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Patagonia Film: Public Trust

Patagonia Film: Public Trust

Great to see a company side with the people and help fight to protect public lands. Despite support from voters across the political spectrum, our public lands face unprecedented threats from extractive industries and the politicians in their pockets. Part love letter, part political exposé, Public Trust investigates how we arrived at this precarious moment through three heated conflicts—a national monument in the Utah desert, a mine in the Boundary Waters and oil drilling in the Arctic National Wildlife Refuge—and makes a case for their continued protection.

Action Needed: Thumb Open Space For Estes Park

Action Needed: Thumb Open Space For Estes Park

On Tuesday, April 28th the Town Board of Trustees will cast a final vote to accept the GOCO funds and move forward with the transaction to acquire the Thumb Open Space. This is our last chance to weigh in and remind the Board of Trustees that we appreciate their support for the Thumb Open Space.

The Climbing Advocate & The Power of Nature In The Time of COVID-19

The Climbing Advocate & The Power of Nature In The Time of COVID-19

With restaurants, bars, ski resorts, and climbing gyms closing down to slow the transmission of COVID-19, we’re reminded of the incredible value of our own local open spaces and parks. The impact of this pandemic will inevitably increase anxieties and continue to separate us from each other, but nature can help sustain us—physically and mentally—in these difficult times.

Help Access Fund: Work Week in the Creek 2020

Help Access Fund: Work Week in the Creek 2020

The Access Fund–Jeep Conservation Team is heading to your area, and we need volunteers! Join Jake and AnnaMarie of Conservation Team West to show your support for Indian Creek at Work Week in the Creek. Each day from March 19 through March 22, we’ll need climbers to help move rock and build stone structures.

Act Now: Tonto National Forest Plan Fails Climbers

Act Now: Tonto National Forest Plan Fails Climbers

This draft plan is far off the mark and sets a dangerous national precedent for the 30% of climbing areas in this country that are on U.S. Forest Service lands. We need climbers to speak up.