The Climbing Advocate & The Power of Nature In The Time of COVID-19


With restaurants, bars, ski resorts, and climbing gyms closing down to slow the transmission of COVID-19, we’re reminded of the incredible value of our own local open spaces and parks. The impact of this pandemic will inevitably increase anxieties and continue to separate us from each other, but nature can help sustain us—physically and mentally—in these difficult times.


1. Rate climbing conservation grant projects

We have 13 grant projects up for consideration for this round of funding. Give your input on which projects you'd like to see funded.

2. Support Access Fund with every Amazon purchase

Every online purchase you make through Amazon could help benefit climbing access and conservation. Simply visit, sign in with your Amazon credentials, and set Access Fund as your charity.

3. Get your 2020 Climbing Advocate sticker

We’re giving away stickers with every pledge to vote. Get your sticker today and encourage other climbers to vote.