We need your help to protect climbing in Ten Sleep Canyon in Wyoming, one of the premier sport climbing destinations in the West.
Temporary Raptor Closures Feb 15 - July 31 On Lumpy Ridge & Loch Vale
Each year to protect raptor nesting sites, Rocky Mountain National Park officials initiate temporary closures in areas of the park. To ensure that these birds of prey can nest undisturbed, specific areas within the park are closed temporarily to public use during nesting season and monitored by wildlife managers. Due to high nesting activity last year closures will begin earlier this year on February 15 rather than March 1. These closures will continue through July 31, if appropriate. These closures may be extended longer or rescinded at an earlier date depending on nesting activity.
Stone Locals: Full Film
Climbing has always been more than just a sport. It’s provided a way of life and a makeshift family to misfits who share a calling. As the sport grapples with its growing popularity, the people who anchor its core and community have more responsibility than ever. This film tells the stories of five of these anchors, the Stone Locals who keep the soul of climbing and nurture it as the sport evolves.