We will operate as a Member’s Only Facility, to limit the amount of users during the Coronavirus Pandemic. No day or punch passes will be available at this time. Memberships are available today and won’t get charged until June 1st. We need around 40 members to keep this place open and running. We are stoked to share our new space with you. Please email or call or message us on social media, if you would like to see the facility before purchasing a membership. Cheers!
Opening Day
You can make reservations starting June 1, 2020.
Steps to using the Gym
Purchase a membership: Buy Here.
Download the GymMaster App: [Download for Android] - [Download for Apple]
Login to GymMaster App.
On the Home Page, under My Bookings -> click Book Classes -> click 2 Hour Climbing Gym Reservation -> Select Date & Time.
You can Pre-Book reservations anywhere from 4 hours to 2 weeks prior to a date.
Train. Climb. Send.
7am - 10pm by reservation only.
40* 8’x12’ Moon Board
40* Bouldering Spray Wall
Crack Machine
Campus Board
Hang Boards
Tension Training Blocks and other grip training blocks
Weight Vests, Free Weights, Kettle Bells, & Medicine Balls
Access to Functional Fitness Room
Self Care
Foam Rollers, Yoga Mats, Thera-Canes, & Resistance Bands
Covid-19 Protocols
We understand the seriousness of the COVID-19 pandemic; our goal is to provide our clients the experience they seek without compromising their safety or the safety of our staff. We are adhering to all COVID-19 guidelines and timelines, as issued by Larimer County and the Climbing Wall Association. For more info please see our Covid-19 Protocols.